Monday 25 April 2011

Riker meets a stranger whom he does not like.

Riker sits, arms crossed, with the Monkey man in Solemn aggravation.

They do not like this strange man having relations with the Red Woman.

They especially do not like the sound he makes when he rolls his miniature cars along the table.  It does not sound realistic.

The man gives one of his miniatures to the red woman to win her heart.

Just as the Monkey man is about to errupt in a fury, Riker calms him (they are friends).

Riker smiles an informative smile before beginning to...

The Woman in Red sneezes.

This has interrupted Riker.  Riker tries to regain the attention of the man by holding up his glass of warm milk...

...and putting it down again.

This works temporarily.

However Riker worryingly notices that as the man stares at the milk he seems to be readying something on his hand for deployment.  What could it be?

To Rikers greatest fears the man appears to have a small coffin for moths as a ring on his finger.

The Red Woman says she could use this as she is half moth and will also die one day.

Riker does not like this.  Riker fears the man has won the womans affections forever.

Riker has no words while the Monkey Man feels a conflict of emotions...

...regarding Rikers attempts to hold his hand under the table.

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