Tuesday 10 May 2011

Riker and his Doll

Riker has a doll.  Riker loves his doll.

Riker speaks to his doll.

Riker listens to the Doll awaiting an answer that only he and his Doll will understand.

"Do you think they are all the stupid ones?" Riker asks his Doll.

The Doll answers a satisfactory response in Rikers high-pitched whine "yeees"

Riker makes the Doll do a little dance.

Riker wears his Doll proudly.
Riker takes the Doll away, we are not invited to the party.

Riker is Tall today

Riker is tall today.  The Captain sings and sings.

Riker listens to the Captains song, he does not notice Rikers tallness. 

This makes Riker feel confident and poised.

Riker walks imagining how it would be to be Captain.

Riker imagines squeezing the Captains round head.

This is Rikers day as the Captain pays no notice of him and his thoughts.

The Captain continues to sing and Riker almost can not contain his happiness.

Riker smiles as he realizes the comfort and power of stiletto heels.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Rikers trick goes awry

Riker and his friends stand by while the white man smells something.

He asks Riker what the smell could be.

Riker changes the subject by showing off his magic clicker.

He demonstrates how to click and click.
He points and clicks with great confidence.

An explosion coincides.

Riker is surprised (only he knows that his magic clicker is merely a deceased beetle that makes a click sound when squeezed.  One of Rikers favorite toys.)

The monkey man appears, confused.

Riker is not pleased.
He turns to relieve himself.
The white man knew it was Riker all along.

This girl is stupid.